Panorama of Huddersfield Town Centre. Picture: Adrian Jones
Your committee and contacts
Contact us
President: Bernard Ainsworth OBE
Chair: David Wyles
Vice Chair: John Eastwood
Committee Secretary: Geoff Hughes
Treasurer: Gideon Richards
Membership Co-ordinator: Howard Smith
Committee meetings are held at the offices of Westin Engineering, Grove Works, St Andrew’s Road, Huddersfield, HD1 6NA, at 7pm apart from the annual meeting and design awards on March 26, 2024, which was at Brian Jackson House, New North Parade, Huddersfield, at 6.30pm.
All the meetings are held on Mondays and the dates for 2024 are: February 19, March 11, March 26 (AGM), May 13, June 10, September 9, October 14, and November 11.
We discuss key issues including planning matters, campaigns and initiatives, events programmes and publicity. Members are welcome. If you would like to attend or have an issue you would like to raise please contact the HCS Committee Secretary.