Malaikas Grill Bar, 11 Cross Church Street, Huddersfield

Planning Applications:  2022/90087 

​Malaikas Grill Bar, 11 Cross Church Street, Huddersfield
Change of Use and Listed Building Consent for internal alterations to first and second floors to create 2 dwellings.

To see the application click here.

​Comments made on behalf of Huddersfield Civic Society

There appears to be no heritage issues of contention.

However, as the society has commented previously on other similar conversions within the town centre, this proposal appears to deliver extremely limited accommodation. The 1st floor unit is stated as 2 bed yet shows a third bed over the bulkhead of the stairs. Bedrooms are approximately 10-12sq m and the beds shown suggest single or small double beds. The kitchen shows accommodation for only 2 people at a small table.

The accommodation is over a takeaway so must carry a higher risk than normal of fire. It appears the only exit door opens into a narrow rear yard with no exit other than by re-entering the building to get to the safety of the street.

The society is aware of programmes that fall within the town centre blueprint for the improvement of Cross Church Street in terms of paving materials, active travel and shopfronts.

It has previously raised concerns regarding the process by which the local planning authority can determine applications such as this, given the lack of any strategy for the development of residential accommodation with the town centre.
While there is support for the principle of re-introducing residential accommodation, there requires a clear strategy outlining where and what form of tenures/ownership and type of provision will best benefit and complement the town’s retail and business community, as well as the practical issues such as waste disposal and collection?

​Cross Church Street is currently a focus for bar and late-night activities, coupled with future potential developments for event and eating facilities in relation to Kingsgate. Residential accommodation on this street may not be compatible with such activities.

This application was approved on September 14, 2022