Discouraging adverse developments, supporting positive applications

An important role of the Society is to consider new planning applications. Kirklees Council consults us on major applications which cover the Huddersfield area.

Key changes often result from the Society’s comments and its efforts in preventing development which is felt to have a negative impact on the area’s heritage and environmental quality.

Anyone can view and comment on planning applications via the Kirklees Council website. ​If you see any you think we should know about, please contact us in addition to sending your views to Kirklees Council

Birks Farm, Arkenley Lane, Almondbury


APPLICATION NUMBER: 2017/62/92744/W Location: Birks Farm, Arkenley Lane, Almondbury, Huddersfield, HD8 0LH. Description of development: Erection of detached dwelling and demolition of existing building. Our objection: This application should be refused as it constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt contrary to Kirklees UDP and the NPPF. No very special circumstances have been provided which could override…
Read more: Birks Farm, Arkenley Lane, Almondbury