Key issues facing the town debated at Society’s environment workshop
Waste expert Dr Elaine Kerrell introduced the recently published national waste strategy and explored its implications for Kirklees Council.
“There are expected to be new requirements for the council to separately collect food waste and garden waste”, she said.
“Achieving 50% recycling rates by 2020 from today’s rate of 27% is going to be challenging”. Elaine suggested that adding a food waste collection would help to reduce contamination of the green bins.
Coun Andrew Cooper, whose ward includes the town centre, proposed that art installations, children’s play areas and outdoor exercise facilities be used to revitalise the town centre.
He presented examples from his recent visits to Spain and Romania as part of his work as a UK member of the EU Committee of the Regions.
Chas Ball, a member of the HCS board, presented the plans for local action on air pollution.
He said that Kirklees Council’s consultation on air quality was due out soon. He described how the health effects arising from diesel vehicles caused 1,000 premature deaths in West Yorkshire.
Chas suggested that council’s draft strategy will feature work in progress to reduce congestion by improving urban traffic control.
It will also announce the installation of 17 rapid chargers (in pairs) for electric vehicles across the borough of which half will be reserved for taxi use. He said the draft strategy would also stress the importance of an effective walking and cycling strategy.
The workshop succeeded in stimulating members to consider practical and policy responses to the environmental agenda.
It follows a successful workshop in October on the ‘Future of the Town’.