Cultural Heart – Piazza (variation of conditions)

Application number 2024/92339 (click on link to see full application) by Kirklees Council for Piazza Centre, Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield, HD1 2RS.

Huddersfield Civic Society comments:

Although it is felt the consultant submitting this application has made every effort to conserve and protect key architectural elements of the listed building, HCS is extremely concerned that  consultants commissioned to design the new exhibition space have not completed their work, resulting in a complete lack of information relating to where thematic elements, particular those being rehoused from Tolson Museum, will be situated.

Given that many people have over the years enjoyed the specific areas allocated to illustrate themes such as industrial, mediaeval, natural history and extensive transport displays, it is considered essential to know where this unique and fascinating glimpse into the town’s past will be accommodated. As indicated, it is clear there will be less display space available and therefore a critical factor in assessing the building’s ‘fit for purpose’ knowing fully specific details regarding these themes. 

It is impossible to reconcile the fact that designs and internal spaces have been established without a clear indication of how and where the collection, currently at Tolson (and with the art collection in store) will be comprehensively and successfully displayed. The civic society is not aware that any detailed work has been completed relating to this and therefore concludes that giving consent will be premature until full consideration of where the collections can be fully and successfully accommodated has been provided.